
In this example we will use co2mpas_driver model in order to extract the drivers acceleration behavior as approaching the target speed.


  • First, set up python, numpy, matplotlib.

    Set up python environment: numpy for numerical routines, and matplotlib for plotting

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • co2mpas_driver must be imported as a dispatcher (dsp). The dsp contains functions to process vehicle data and run the com2pas_driver model. Also is necessary to import schedula for selecting and executing functions from the co2mpas_driver. For more information on how to use schedula:

    >>> from co2mpas_driver import dsp
    >>> import schedula as sh

Load data

  • Load vehicle data for a specific vehicle from vehicles database

    >>> db_path = 'EuroSegmentCar.csv'
  • Load user input parameters from an excel file

    >>> input_path = 'sample.xlsx'
  • Sample time series

    >>> sim_step = 0.1 #The simulation step in seconds
    >>> duration = 100 #Duration of the simulation in seconds
    >>> times = np.arange(0, duration + sim_step, sim_step)
  • Load user input parameters directly writing in your sample script

    >>> inputs = {
    'vehicle_id': 35135,  # A sample car id from the database
    'inputs': {'gear_shifting_style': 0.7, #The gear shifting style as
                                            described in the TRR paper
                'starting_speed': 0,
               'desired_velocity': 40,
               'driver_style': 1},  # gear shifting can take value
    # from 0(timid driver) to 1(aggressive driver)
    'time_series': {'times': times}


  • Dispatcher will select and execute the proper functions for the given inputs and the requested outputs

    >>> core = dsp(dict(db_path=db_path, input_path=input_path, inputs=inputs),
       outputs=['outputs'], shrink=True)
  • Plot workflow of the core model from the dispatcher

    >>> core.plot()

    This will plot the workflow of the core model on an internet browser (see below). You can click all the rectangular boxes to see in detail the sub-models like load, model, write and plot.


    The Load module


    Merged vehicle data for the vehicle_id used above

  • Load outputs of dispatcher and select the chosen dictionary key (outputs) from the given dictionary.

    >>> outputs = sh.selector(['outputs'], sh.selector(['outputs'], core))
  • Select the desired output

    >>> output = sh.selector(['Curves', 'poly_spline', 'Start', 'Stop', 'gs',
                  'discrete_acceleration_curves', 'velocities',
                  'accelerations', 'transmission'], outputs['outputs'])

    The final acceleration curves, the engine acceleration potential curves (poly_spline), start, stop, gear shift, discrete acceleration curves, velocities, accelerations and transmission, before calculating the resistances and the limitation due to max possible acceleration (friction).

    >>> curves, poly_spline, start, stop, gs, discrete_acceleration_curves,
    velocities, accelerations, transmission =
    output['Curves'], output['poly_spline'], output['Start'], output['Stop'], output['gs'],
    output['discrete_acceleration_curves'], output['velocities'],
    output['accelerations'], output['transmission']


>>> plt.figure('Time-Speed')
>>> plt.plot(times, velocities)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.figure('Speed-Acceleration')
>>> plt.plot(velocities, accelerations)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.figure('Acceleration-Time')
>>> plt.plot(times, accelerations)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.figure('Speed-Acceleration')
>>> for curve in discrete_acceleration_curves:
    sp_bins = list(curve['x'])
    acceleration = list(curve['y'])
    plt.plot(sp_bins, acceleration, 'k')



Figure 1. Speed(m/s) versus time(s) graph over the desired speed range.

Acceleration(m/s*2) versus speed(m/s) graph


Figure 2. Acceleration per gear, the gear-shifting points and final acceleration potential of our selected vehicle over the desired speed range.

Acceleration(m/s*2) versus speed graph(m/s)


Figure 3. The final acceleration potential of our selected vehicle over the desired speed range.