
Functions and a model dsp to process a CO2MPAS input file.


Armax(car_type, vehicle_mass, engine_max_power)

Calculate the maximum acceleration possible for the vehicle object my_car, under road_type conditions.

calculate_curves_to_use(poly_spline, start, ...)

Calculate the final speed acceleration curves based on full load curves and resistances for all curves.


Calculate deceleration curves .

calculate_veh_road_loads(vehicle_mass, ...)


define_discrete_acceleration_curves(curves, ...)

Define discrete acceleration curves.

define_discrete_car_res_curve(car_res_curve, ...)

Define discrete car resistance curve.


Define discrete resistance force.


Define discrete deceleration curves.

define_discrete_poly(poly_spline, sp_bins)

Define discrete poly.

define_driver_simulation_model(vehicle_mass, ...)

Defines the drivers simulation model.


Defines the drivers simulation model.


Define speed bins.

define_times(sim_start, duration, sim_step)

Define times for simulation.

ev_curve(fuel_type, engine_max_power, ...)

Full load curve of EVs (based on Yinglong).

find_list_of_tans_from_coefs(coefs_per_gear, ...)

Get coefficients and speed boundaries and return Tans value for per speed per gear.

gear_linear(speed_per_gear_updated, ...[, ...])

Return the gear limits based on gear_shifting_style, using linear gear swifting strategy.

gear_points_from_tan(tans, ...[, use_linear_gs])

Get the gear cuts based on gear shifting style and tangent values.


Based on speed/acceleration points per gear, cubic splines are calculated (old MFC).

get_resistances(f0, f1, f2, sp_bins, ...[, ...])

Calculate the resistances that a vehicle faces, per speed.


Speed and acceleration points per gear are calculated based on full load curve, new version works with array and forbid acceleration over the maximum vehicle speed.

get_spline_out_of_coefs(coefs_per_gear, ...)

Use the coefficients to get a "spline" that could be used.

get_start_stop(gear_box_ratios, ...)

Calculate Speed boundaries for each gear.

get_tan_coefs(speed_per_gear, acc_per_gear, ...)

Calculate the coefficients of the polynomial for each gear Full load curve is fitted to a polynomial of degree.

light_co2mpas_series(vehicle_mass, ...)

Computes the CO2 emissions in grams for

run_simulation(driver_simulation_model, ...)

Run simulation.